Vorverkauf 19.9.2023

Tickets für Gruppen
(ab 5 Personen)
Exklusiv für Firmenkunden und Gruppen bieten wir den Anlass vom 19. September an.
Gemeinsam geniessen. Die visionäre, einladende und inspirierende Atmosphäre wirken lassen. Zusammen im Dialog sein und Erlebnisse teilen. Einen interdisziplinären Moment mitgestalten.
Motivation durch Inspiration.
Steinbeisser Dinner am Dienstag, 19. September 2023
MAISON DES CHEFS freut sich, dass Steinbeisser dieses Jahr endlich wieder in die Schweiz kommen. Steinbeisser kreiert einzigartige Dinner-Erlebnisse. Mit jungen Künstlerlinnen und Künstlern, szenografisch immersiv inszeniert in einem aussergewöhnlichen Ort, einem speziellen und einladenden Narrativ und umgesetzt von top Haute Cuisine Chefs. An diesem Anlass kocht das Duo Michelin-Sterne-Köchinnen Zizi Hattab und Karime Lopez. Aus einem komplett pflanzlichen, biologischen/biodynamischen Warenkorb aus der Schweiz und Italien konzipieren sie gemeinsam für diesen Anlass ein Fine Dining Erlebnis. Ein kreativer, lustvoller, interdisziplinär gestalteter Blick in die Zukunft. Lassen Sie sich darauf ein!
Einmalig. Für alle Sinne.
Preis pro Ticket: CHF 375.-
Es gelten die AGB's von Maison des Chefs.
(Maximale Kapazität: 70 Tickets)
Anfragen und Reservationen bitte per Email an info@maisondeschefs.ch
David Kinch, Manresa***

What you should know about "by Steinbeisser"
Steinbeisser and Maison des Chefs cooperate to combine the conceptual strength and the emotional potential of experimental culinary concepts. With the artistic approach and creative insights of Steinbeisser, tasks and goals profit from a cultural approach with an emotional and intellectual dimension.
Maison des Chefs is the strategist and facilitator between the corporate, culinary and artistic world. Our clients are brands, organisations, individuals for which we guard the stakeholder perspective and overall goals.
Working with us means creating emotional, meaningful, sustainable results, rooted in values and responsibility.
What we offer:
Tailored experimental moments
Immersive concepts and experiences
Creative culinary insights
Conceptual and innovative culinary designs
Innovation in food, research and development, inspiration and guidelines
Communication opportunities
#maisondeschefs #hautecuisinecandothis #foodemotion #values #memories #communication
Please get in touch with us. Send us a brief information on who you are and with what we can help. We will get back to you shortly.
Cases, co-operation, creation
There are many ways we can help you to a unique experience for your guests, partners, teams or visitors. Please request our case studies and additional information on how we can create value and experiences for you.

Unique and out of the ordinary locations for once in a lifetime events.

Ideas and organisation of Arts and Crafts objects

Unique Dinner Experiences

Cutlery, Dishes and Tableware from young, global and forward thinking artists

Reknwon michelin starred chefs, exceptional locations in Europe and USA. Unique artistic cutlery and tableware. Purely vegan, seasonal and local. See upcoming events.

Please get in touch for concepts, organisation, cooperations and scouting.

What you should know about "Steinbeisser"
Steinbeisser, founded by Martin Kullik and Jouw Wijnsma, launched in 2012 the Experimental Gastronomy initiative by bringing together acclaimed chefs and artists for a one-of-a-kind culinary experience. Chefs are challenged to create an entirely plant-based, locavore and biodynamic tasting menu. Artists are challenged to reimagine the cutlery and dishware, using only natural materials that have been recycled, upcycled or repurposed.
As a result, guests reflect playfully and with open senses over community, society and the future of food. Each event features its own concept and location. Through the combination with art, all senses are touched, new connections are made, new memories created. Part of the vision is to inspire others to think about sourcing products locally. The renowned chefs are invited to playfully innovate culinary concepts, sharing their inspiration and experience with the audience. Thus, Steinbeisser thoughtfully, beautifully and most unforgettably changes the world of food.
Visit Steinbeisser Visit Jouwstore
#steinbeisser.org #vegan #biodynamic #culture